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My Story

When I was a kid I used to visit my grandma in Eastern Ukraine every summer. Apart from pasturing the goats and eating fresh fruit and vegetables from her garden I was giving massages to my family and some neighbors. I was even making my first money doing it. Looking back at this makes my smile, because I believe, that we sense our purpose as children while following our nature. 

Growing up, we can get lost, influenced by our surroundings, get conditioned by our families about what to do in life. Although sometimes life gives us clues and reminders about our path.  


In March 2020 I was visiting a sacred Bali fountain, that claims to make your wishes true. So I was taking an ablution there and trying to set an intention for my wish. Suddenly I heard the voice. It was my voice, but it was much more powerful and deeper than what I usually hear inside my head. It said: I want to help people heal. 


At that time I was working in the hospital in the U.S. as a nursing assistant and as a home health care aide for elderly. My dreams of being a nurse shattered by the brutal reality. I could sense, that this healthcare system is not helping people to get to the root cause of the disease, it masks the symptoms, causing more side effects and sometimes even making health worse.

Being with people during their worst times, sleepless nights and edge of death taught me a lot, so I started to question the nature of the diseases. I got interested in a more holistic approach to health, psychosomatics and ways to prevent these conditions, so I decided to sign up for a massage course.


After some time I’ve realized that practicing massage makes me feel happy, contended and relaxed and I’m able to share these feelings during the process. Having other people trust you to touch not only their body, but their soul is a gift and I feel really delighted to be a part of this healing process. 

I got surrounded by people with the same beliefs about health and my journey started to unfold. My interests expanded to spirituality, meditation, Ayurveda, energy work, Reiki, Astrology, Yoga, Crystals and Herbs. 

One of the last classes that I took with my Massage Course was Thai Yoga Massage and I’ve felt that it is something that I want to learn from the source, so I started to plan my trip to Asia.

In November 2021 I left my job at the hospital and home health care agency and went on a 4 month life changing trip to Asia.

I saw Himalayas and touched the ground where Buddha was born in Nepal; took a 1 month Yoga teacher training in Rishikesh,that peeled off some layers that I no longer needed ; saw elephants in wild nature, visited ancient Buddhist temples, rode the famous train in the jungles of Sri Lanka; did 1 week Thai massage training in Phuket and 3 weeks in Chiang Mai, the birthplace of Thai Massage; and came to GOA , where I’ve met a lot of like minded people, took some Tantra classes and did a Meditative massage training.



In this past year I've realized that learning is like self growth and self development - a never ending process and there are so many modalities to explore within the healing journey and so many instruments to master that will expand your knowledge and practice. You can heal with your deed, attitude or even a word you say to a person. 


My last interest that I picked up is herbs. For two weeks I stayed with a herbalist, learning how to collect, prepare and apply various herbs with one goal- to better connect with nature and live a healthier life. Curious to see how this path will unfold in my journey of healing.



Hope reading this gave you a feeling about my beliefs and purposes in life.

You can check the ‘Services’ section and let me know how can I be of service to you.

Namaste 🙏🏻

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